postgresql on docker

simple commands

To interact with the PostgreSQL shell using Docker, you can run a PostgreSQL container and access its shell. Here's a basic example using the postgres official Docker image:

  1. Pull the PostgreSQL image:
docker pull postgres
  1. Run a PostgreSQL container:
docker run --name mypostgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

Replace mypostgres with your desired container name and mysecretpassword with your preferred password.

  1. Access the PostgreSQL shell in the running container:
docker exec -it mypostgres psql -U postgres

This command opens an interactive terminal (-it) and connects to the PostgreSQL server as the default user (postgres).

Now, you can execute SQL commands in the PostgreSQL shell. Don't forget to replace mypostgres with your actual container name.

If you have a specific use case or question about interacting with the PostgreSQL shell, feel free to provide more details.